We live with a lot of people around us. Some of them are very caring some show us how someone can be careless.. most of them turns out to be positive energy for us and Some of them show us kindness. Some people amaze us by their energy and some Leave us in a Curiosity how Someone can be so satisfied with the life. I like all of these people..so energetic so pure and positive, kind and At the same time careless..in today’s world being positive, when there’s only negativity all around you is achievement.. you never know What other person is going through, maybe their problem is not that big but they don’t know how to solve, they have never seen positivity in their life, never have been treated with kind words.
For them, world is a cruel place, so You can be a light for someone’s. There’s no problem to give smile while crossing by near to someone. There’s no Problem to give compliment to some stranger.. Your words might save their day.. I love people who says “this too shall pass ”
I love people who have nothing but still so so satisfied with life. I love every person who struggles daily and never use harsh words because of Depression and anxiety they have been going through.. Be a reason of Spreading love not Hate..
World is already a toxic place.. So you don’t be <3